Masters - COMUE Université Bourgogne-Franche-Comté


2024-2025 applications procedures

I am a French student

  • Rare Book, CompyPhys, ARMAC (M1), GREEM (M2), IOT, BDEEM, QuanTEEM, P²Food, MP², E-PHOT (M1), PICS (M2) Master’s programs : I apply on eCandidat (see below)

I apply on eCandidat (see the dates for each program in the sections “eCandidat procedure” below)

I am an international student

See the “I am a French student” section.

Application on eCandidat (see the dates for each program in the sections “eCandidat procedure” below)

Master BDEEM

Behavioral and Digital Economics for Effective Management

Business Intelligence


Master CompuPhys

Physics & Computational Physics

Fundamental physics and applications


Master ARMAC
(= GREEM M1)

Advanced robotics mechatronics and automatic control

Automatic, robotics


Application dates: 13/02/2024 – 14/05/2024
> I apply

Master GREEM (M2)

Control for Green Mechatronics

Automatic, robotics


Application dates: 01/02/2024 – 30/04/2024
> I apply

Master IOT

Internet of Things

Embedded computing systems


Master MP2

Microbiology and Physicochemistry for food and wine Processes

Agricultural, food and environmental science and technology


Application dates: 15/03/2024 – 29/05/2024
> I apply

Master E-PhoT
(= PICS M1)

Photonics, Micronanotechnology, Time-Frequency Metrology, and Complex Systems

Fundamental physics and applications


Master PICS (M2)

Photonics, Micronanotechnology, Time-Frequency Metrology, and Complex Systems

Fundamental physics and applications


Application dates: 01/04/2024 – 01/06/2024
> I apply

Master P2FOOD

Physiological and Psychological FOOd choice Determinants

Agricultural, food and environmental science and technology


Application dates: 15/03/2024 – 22/05/2024
> I apply

Master Rare Book

Rare Book and Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities


M1 : Application dates: 26/02/2024 – 10/05/2024
M2 : Application dates: 01/03/2024 – 30/04/2024
> I apply