- The Board of Education of the Bourgogne – Franche-Comté academic region
It represents the Ministry of National Education at the regional level.
The Board of Education is also the body responsible for the budgetary health of UBFC.
The Bourgogne – Franche-Comté academic region includes the academies of Besançon and Dijon.
For more information please visit: /
- The Regional Delegation for Research and Technology Bourgogne Franche-Comté (D.R.R.T)
The D.R.R.T. is in charge of the ‘deconcentrated’ action of the State in the fields of research, technology and innovation, but also of the dissemination of the scientific and technical culture.
The D.R.R.T is also the source of funding for scientific platforms and data centers from which UBFC benefits.
For more information please visit:
- The Bourgogne – Franche-Comté Region (BFC)
It is a major partner for higher education institutions and thus for UBFC.
The BFC Region defines the ‘Schéma Régional de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation’ (‘SRESRI’, Regional master plan for higher education, research and innovation), which provides a reference framework for the implementation of the region’s policy on higher education, research, technology transfer, scientific, technical and industrial culture, and international activities. This plan supports and promotes research around ISITE-BFC projects and develops the attractiveness and structuring of BFC in terms of research by financing structuring and interdisciplinary projects. It also helps companies and society to better understand the results of public research by developing collaborative projects between companies and research, thus ensuring technology transfer to innovative companies. Finally, it also supports the mobility of students and researchers.
The Region is also in charge of coordinating, within the framework of the national research strategy, territorial initiatives aimed at developing and disseminating scientific, technical and industrial culture, particularly among young people, and therefore actively participates in their financing.
In addition, the Region defines the terms and conditions for joint action by local authorities and their public establishments for exercising their competences in support of innovation and higher education and research.
The Region massively supports doctoral students in Bourgogne Franche-Comté. This support takes several forms:
- an annual call for projects specific to doctoral contracts
- funding for doctoral contracts, integrated into research projects (ISITE BFC, large-scale structuring projects and seed projects)
- a regional “Researcher-Entrepreneur Career Path” program, which offers thesis students a program that integrates a dual skill set in research and entrepreneurship/management.
Finally, the BFC Region is a member of the Board of Directors and the Academic Council of UBFC.
For more information please visit:
- The Regional Center of University and School Activities and Welfare in Burgundy Franche-Comté (‘Crous BFC’)
The Crous BFC is located on three sites in Burgundy-Franche-Comté: Dijon, Besançon and North Franche-Comté (Montbéliard and Belfort) and has a branch in Le Creusot.
It is the main partner of higher education in terms of student life. The Crous BFC and UBFC work together on the student life master plan and its implementation.
The Crous BFC is a member of the UBFC academic Council.
For more information please visit:
- Local authorities (cities, greater metropolitan cities, metropolitan areas)
They are essential partners, through their support for higher education and research (ESR) within the framework of State-Region planning contracts and territorial projects. They can also provide financial support to UBFC for annual operations. The four major urban centers of the BFC territory (Dijon Metropole, Greater Besançon Metropole, North Franche-Comté Metropolitan Area and South Bourgogne) are members of the UBFC Board of Directors.
- The Dijon University Hospital and the Besançon Regional University Hospital
- The French National Blood Establishment (EFS) and the Georges-François LECLERC Center (CGFL)
These healthcare partners share UBFC’s research strategy through the ISITE-BFC Consortium, but also in all health-related projects. They are also members of the Foundation for Scientific Cooperation alongside UBFC member institutions. The Dijon University Hospital and the Besançon Regional University Hospital are members of the UBFC Board of Directors, and the EFS and the CGFL are members of the UBFC Academic Council.
- Public research organizations (CNRS, INRAE, INSERM, CEA, etc.)
These major organizations are the co-supervisors of the joint research units (UMR). They are key partners in university research and are involved in UBFC’s research strategy via the ISITE-BFC consortium and in UBFC’s governing bodies.
INRAE and UBFC are co-supervisors in addition to the member institutions of the UMRs of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. An agreement is currently underway with the CNRS for the co-supervision of the UMRs.
For more information please visit:
- The Center for Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (CSTI)
Formerly known as the ‘Pavillon des sciences’, the CSTI accompanies the various regional players in scientific culture, such as research laboratories, universities and schools, etc. It is a major partner of UBFC and its member institutions in supporting scientific, technical and industrial culture.
The CSTI is behind numerous events and activities, and in particular it organizes meetings and debates on social issues.
It is also the coordinator for the BFC region of the ‘Fête de la Science’ (Science Festival), an event for which UBFC ensures coordination between all ‘ESR’ players.
For professionals in education, culture and organization of events, the CSTI is a resource center that provides support for science dissemination projects, particularly through the provision of mobile mediation tools.
The CSTI aims to federate a group of actors, professionals or amateurs, who wish to participate in the promotion of scientific and technical culture by bringing them together regularly. Two administrative sites, one in Montbéliard, the other in Dijon, are the basis for covering the regional territory.
For more information please visit:
Double Degree programs:
- University of Chemistry and Technology of Prague (UCT Prague, Czech Republic), Master & PhD level, Disciplines: Chemistry
- Russian-Armenian University (RAU, Armenia), Master level; Discipline: Physics
- Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Russia), Master level, Disciplines: Innovative drugs
- University of Ningbo (NBU, Chine), Master level, Discipline: Clinical medicine
- University of Ningbo (NBU, Chine), PhD level; Discipline: Clinical medicine
- Yerevan State University (YSU, Armenia), Master level, Discipline : Physics
- Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DKUT, Nyeri Kenya), Master level, Discipline: Automation and Robotics
- Yerevan State University (YSU, Armenia), Master level, Disciplines: Biology, Physico-Chemistry
- Centro de lnvestigaciones en óptica, A. C. (México), Master level, Disciplines: Optomechatronics
- Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU, Russia), Master level, Discipline : Physics
Student and Faculty Exchange programs:
- Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU, Russia), Discipline : Environmental Economics
- Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics And Optics (ITMO, Russia), Disciplines: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Physico-Chemistry, Rare Book, Automation and Robotics, Internet of Things
- Technical University of Kaiserslautern (TUK, Germany), Disciplines: Physics, Mathematics
- Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU, Russia), Disciplines: Physics, Mathematics, Cultural Engineering
- Shanghai University (SHU, China), Disciplines: Physics, Mathematics
- Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT, Russia), Disciplines: Physics
- University of Habana (UH, Cuba), Disciplines: Ecology, Evolution, Conservation biology
- University Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P, Morocco), Discipline: Cultural engineering
- University of Mahidol (MU, Thailand), Discipline: Cultural engineering
- Russian-Armenian University (RAU, Armenia)
- Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU, Armenia), Discipline: Agronomy
- Yerevan State University (YSU, Armenia)
Erasmus + Cooperation Agreements:
- Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUK, Germany), Disciplines: Information and Communication, Electronics and automation, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
- Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), Disciplines: Food processing/Chemistry
- Hohenheim University (Germany), Disciplines: Food processing
- Zagreb University (Croatia), Disciplines: Food processing
- Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Hungary), Disciplines: Food processing
- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Disciplines: Food processing
- Universita degli studi di Salerno (Italy), Disciplines: Biochemistry/Chemistry/Food processing
- Universita degli studi di Teramo (Italy), Disciplines: Food processing/Agriculture + oenology
- Universita Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy), Disciplines: Food processing
- Université de Liège Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Belgium), Disciplines: Chemical engineering and processes/Food processing
- Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy), Disciplines : Humanities
- Université de Liège (Belgium), Disciplines: Media
- Opole University (Poland), Disciplines: Cultural studies
- Bucharest University (Romania), Disciplines: Sociology and cultural studies
- University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia), Disciplines: Cultural studies
- Università degli studi Roma Tre (Italy), Disciplines: Cultural studies
- Università Ca’Foscari Venezia (Italy), Disciplines: Cultural studies
- Dundalk Institute of Technology (Ireland), Disciplines: Cultural studies/Humanities
- University of Chemistry and Techology UCT Prague (Czech Republic), Disciplines: Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics/Engineering, manufacturing and construction
- Haliç University (Istanbul, Turkey), Disciplines: Business and administration
Framework agreements:
- Memorandum of Understanding National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS RA, Armenia)
- Memorandum of Understanding Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUK, Germany)
- Memorandum of Understanding University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT Prague)
- Memorandum of Understanding Yerevan State University (YSU, Armenia)
- Memorandum of Understanding Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT, China)
- Memorandum of Understanding Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU, Armenia)
- Memorandum of Understanding Novosibirsk State University, (NSU, Russian Federation)
- Memorandum of Understanding Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (Kenya)
- Memorandum of Understanding Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (national research university, MIPT, Russian Federation)
- Memorandum of Understanding Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University BMSTU, Russian Federation)
- Memorandum of Understanding ITMO University (Russian Federation)
- Memorandum of Understanding Shanghai University (SHU, China)
- Memorandum of Understanding Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ, Lebanon)
- Memorandum of Understanding Russian-Armenian University (RAU, Armenia)
- Memorandum of Understanding National Taiwan Normal University (Taipei)
- Memorandum of Understanding University Mohammed VI Polytechnique (Morocco)
- Memorandum of Understanding ITMO University (Russian Federation)
- Memorandum of Understanding Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China)
- Framework Agreement Department of Physics of the Universita Degli Studi di Padova (Italy)
- Cooperation Agreement Institut de Recherche Agronomique du Liban (IRAL, Lebanon)
- Cooperation Agreement Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Training I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University, Russian Federation)
- Agreement on Organization of Joint Master’s Degree Programs Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU, Russian Federation) in Physics
Industrial partners linked to ISITE-BFC
Firms in BFC | Firms outside BFC | |
AAP1 (2017)
5 firms in BFC |
AAP2 (2018)
5 firms in BFC 3 firms outside BFC |
AAP3 (2019)
8 firms in BFC 6 firms outside BFC |