Laboratoire Imagerie et vision Artificielle - COMUE Université Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Laboratoire Imagerie et vision Artificielle

Research thematic of ImViA laboratory is Artificial Vision. The lab is centered around three teams with complementary activities. CORES (COmputer vision for REal time Systems) – The research conducted by the CORES team is focused on artificial vision using several non-conventional imaging modalities for various applications (cultural heritage, biomedical, industry, etc.). The choice of the modalities, the way they are implemented (design of multimodal and innovative acquisition setups) and the management of the data created (processing/analysis methods) provide important research lever. The goal is to extract functional features, that is, the ones which are the closest of the physical behavior of the surface/scene or physiological and/or perceptual features, usually in real-time or to be conform to embedded constraints. The activity of the team is structured around three topics: conception of real-time imaging and vision systems, vision-based tools for measure and diagnosis, multimodal imaging for digitization and functional modelling of aspect for complex surfaces. IFTIM (Functional and Molecular Imaging, Medical Image Processing) – The objectives of IFTIM team are focused on two core fields in clinical imaging: deployment of new imaging markers for preclinical and then clinical aspects combined with the development of new applications. The second field is processing and analysis of medical images. This multidisciplinarity is achieved thanks to hospitalo-university researchers involved in applied research in medical imaging, biologists and physicists involved both in basic and applied research in medical imaging and finally computer scientists with expertise in processing and analysis of medical images. The team benefits from a promising environment for setting up research projects, in particular with the two public health institutions in Dijon metropole (CHU et CGFL) hosting both a comprehensive imaging unit and a preclinic imaging platform unique in France.
VIBOT (VIsion for roBOTics) – The research conducted by the VIBOT team is focused on vision for robotics by answering standard questions in mobile robotics, such as tracking, cartography, trajectory estimation, object recognition and obstacle detection. The application field of these subjects is extended to complex environments in terms of geometry, kinematics, photometry or radiometry. To achieve these goals, the team is structured around two main topics: non-conventional imaging for robotics, and scene reconstruction and analysis.