Centre Georges Chevrier : sociétés et sensibilités - COMUE Université Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Centre Georges Chevrier : sociétés et sensibilités

Georges Chevrier Center – CNRS uB conducts multidisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences. In their diversity, the latter – historians of law, historians of practices and institutions of the modern and contemporary epoch, historians of art and music, philosophers, sociologists and anthropologists – share an interest in forms of knowledge that go beyond disciplinary boundaries and participate in different rationality regimes. As part of a scientific project (2017-2022) identified under the general title “Societies and sensibilities”, their work is divided into three major themes: the forms and practices of culture, the forms and practices of the popular, the forms of vulnerability in the contemporary world. In addition, intersecting in particular with works on utopias, technology, heritage actions and local and territorial development, a transversal theme, also multidisciplinary, proposes a “critical approach to the forms of transition to the Anthropocene”.